Child Mental Health

  • A father and daughter with brown skin are embracing. The daughter is a toddler and her black hair is flying in the wind. Both are smiling with their eyes closed. They look safe and content and loving.
    Attachment,  Child Mental Health

    What is Attachment?

    Attachment is a universal human experience, and one that is essential for parents, educators, and those working in mental health to understand.  But what is it, and what are the attachment styles? The first attachments we experience in life are between us as an infant, and our caregiver.  Born secondarily altricial (totally helpless!) human babies need all the help they can get to survive, and as a result, attachments are essential.  Through “social releasers” like crying, cuddling, suckling, and later, smiling and seeking proximity to the caregiver, infants promote the attachment, and in return, are protected and nurtured.  The responses they receive from their caregiver are crucial as they inform…